Kick me!

So I'm the type of gal that goes on various types of 'kicks' -- it maybe a food (my "Mexican food kick" certainly didn't do much for my diet (or my love life!!)), or an activity (like my "staying up late playing Cake Mania" kick -- don't laugh I know I'm not the only one!), or a task (like my recent "constantly search for cheap vacation deals, even though there's no possible way I can travel right now" kick), or an article of clothing (like my "obsessed with underwear" kick -- I seriously bought an insane amount of underwear in like a 2 week timespan.. nuts!!)
Basically, I find that I LOVE something, and then I suddenly cannot live without it - I feel compelled to constantly do/eat/buy whatever my current "kick' is. In a matter of time (something usually around a month or two), the kick is over .. and sometimes I even laugh at my obsessions --- like I see the Cake Mania icon on my desktop and chuckle - God I was so tapped playing that silly game until like 3.. ok 4 AM !!

My new kick is Coach. I hope it's not just a kick though -- I've always loved Coach. My first Coach bag was a beautiful green Optic Hobo with ladybugs on it (courtesy of the best BF ever). I LOVED that bag but would never spend that kind of money on a bag; he did - and I was hooked. Anyway, fast forward to about 2 years later, and I seriously cannot get enough Coach! I have bought wristlets, scarfs, charms, bags, and am considering dropping some serious dough on not one, but TWO bags, a wallet, and a(nother) charm.
Do I need all this stuff? Is this just another "kick" that I'll be remembering fondly -- my "love affair with Coach kick" ??
Right now I'm in the middle of it so, of course, in my mind, this is so NOT a kick -- it will never end. I will own and carry my Coach babies forever (or at least that's how I justify the spending?).
So where is this blog entry going? I'm not sure -- I guess I'll find out if this is just another one of my kicks (like the "getting sloshed on washington apple martini" kick) or something that will last longer. I hope it's the latter!

Shower me with love

So my sisters wedding shower was last Sunday. It went off without a hitch. I can't quite explain the level of stress I was under prior to the shower. Nothing went wrong, a few people even indicated it was the BEST shower they had ever been to! One woman even said I should become a party planner (a secret dream of mine for a while now). It was tropical themed (anyone who knows me or Kara wouldn't be surprised at that, I'm sure) and you felt the "sunny warmth" even though there was snow on the ground outside and it was 30 degrees F. When you walked in you were hit by the heat from 3 fireplaces. The room was a warm yellow color; Tropical flowers were everywhere. Island steel drum music played in the background making you feel as if you had stepped into a bar/restaurant in an exotic tropical destination. Everyone was given flower leis; drinks were served with fancy tropical umbrellas.

The cake

Fabulous, right? Wrong. Hours (and days) later, I'm STILL so stressed out!

Before the shower I thought "all my worries will be gone once the shower is over." Well, my worries didn't go away, AND now I'm not even sure what it is that I'm so worried about!

Kara loved the shower and the bridesmaids that planned it with me had a great time as well.

OK now on to the bachelorette party!