I heart handbags big time, and my all time favorite brand is Belen Echandia. Never heard of them? Not surprising... I really believe they are the best kept secret in the handbag world. To put it lightly, the bags are simply amazing. The customer service and quality is superb and the leathers are divine. Oh, did I mention they are handmade in Italy? No "Made in China" stamp on these bags! (There's something kind of disheartening when you spend $500, $1000 or more on a bag that is mass produced on an assembly line).
The genius behind Belen Echandia is the super fabulous and very nice Jackie Cawthra. How cool is it to have a conversation with the founder/creative director of the company where she helps you with your handbag purchase decisions? I'll answer that -- it's very cool indeed.
Additionally, BE offers a bespoke service so that should you desire, you are able to customize and create the bag of your dreams (I am patiently waiting for my bespoke Luxe Chocolate Glossy Hug me and my Turquoise Angel Purse -- both should be arriving soon!) Seriously, I really could go on and on about how great these bags are.
Well let me get to my point! Jackie is having a fantastic sale on what she is calling Pink Tuesday- you know, as opposed to black friday...(I think "Pink Tuesday" sounds much more fun and happy anyway, don't you?)
So... Jackie is offering (for a full 48 hours starting at 4pm GMT on Tuesday, November 25th) a rediculous, unheard of 40% off any in stock bag! Simply select your bag, add to your cart, and use the code: newbie at checkout.
Of course you can contact any of the BE girls (Jackie, Ashley, or Rose) to help you with your purchase as well -- that's the beauty of buying a Belen Echandia!
This promotion is only for the newbies and is an outstanding opportunity to own a Belen Echandia Bag.
Full details can be found here.
Please note: If you purchase a bag or sign up for their mailing list, please mention you were referred by me - Katie (khargraves (@) yahoo.com)--and I'll be entered in to win a fabulous BE prize.
Also, check out my BE Love Me Mini in Black Crash's appearance on the BE home page, or visit the BE World Tour
The bags pictured in this posting are the Love me in Black Crash and theHold me in Plum Crash. (the Love Me is my absolute, postive 100% most favorite handbag ever. I own it in Black Crash and beautiful Petrol.
Do you heart handbags? Have I got a deal for you...
Posted by Katie at 6:41 PM Labels: deals, Fashion, Handbags, shopping
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